mardi 18 août 2015

Idrissa Soumaoro et l'eclipse de l'I.J.A - Nissodia (Mali, 1978, Eterna)

Legendary Malian record out in 1978 on ETERNA, a German based label from Idrissa Soumaoro and a German association, "L'Eclipse de l'Institut des Jeunes Aveugles" (Blind teenagers institute).

This record was produced at the time by the German association that took care of blind Malian teenagers in Bamako, and it was never properly released commercially.

This is the first record on which were revealed three future huge names of the Malian music : Idrissa Soumaoro, Amadou Bagayoko and Mariam Doumbia (who got married together later, but that's another story..).

Idrissa Soumaoro et l'Eclipse de l'I.J.A - Nissodia

All the best, 


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